Designer Web Graphics – Using Internet Graphics For Best Conversion

Web graphics that are stunning, effective and quick to load don’t just happen by accident. It takes a skill to combine natural visual talents with web design knowledge and graphic styling. Effective web design connects knowledge to show-how.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor 2012 Occupational Outlook lists the median salary for graphic designers at $21.22 an hour (1). Entry-level education is determined by a Bachelor’s Degree. In 2012, graphic design had 259,000 jobs. Graphic design professionals work in specialized agencies that include:


  • Advertising
  • Public relations
  • Publishing
  • AND Web graphic design.


Website Graphics Optimized to Deliver Superior Web Performance

Graphic website designs that are well-crafted present a stunning display of imagery and color. This is because the artist has not learned the SEO skills that make it all work. Web imagery is not only about vision and color blending. You can always expect to see optimized web graphics that will speed up your website’s loading speed.

Designer web graphics are smaller in size and take up less server space. They load quicker than regular images. They spark the imagination. The end result is that they inspire the viewer to achieve your business goals. The process is neither simple nor easy. It requires an expert in graphic website development.

Graphic optimization includes three processes:


  1. Physical Size Reduction
  2. Reduction of the number displayed colors
  3. The image resolution can be reduced by reducing the number or dots per inch.


The principles and methods of each process are best understood and applied by website graphic designers who have been trained. Expert graphic designers have the ability to edit existing images and create custom graphics. This allows them to bring your website alive while maintaining the best loading speeds.

Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Information Technology Division sets the maximum acceptable web image size at 150KB (2). They advise website graphic designers to limit images’ gray-scale whenever possible. Due to the speed and availability of Internet connections, many sites choose to use color graphics for longer periods of time.

Another tip that designers can use to reduce image load time is:


  • Thumbnail Links: Using gray-scale thumbnails for links to full size full color images will save your visitor the cost of downloading images not appealing to their interests.
  • Main Image Size- Limiting large files to 400-500 pix helps increase loading speed, while also reducing the need to scroll.
  • Thumbnail description – By including the file size of the main photo in the thumbnail captions, the visitor will have an idea of loading times
  • Captions: Use captions for information about what the viewers are seeing, the meaning of the image to the site, the viewer and what they should be looking for in the image.


How to Find Awesome Website Graphics

You can create website graphics in many ways. Some designers find images and alter them for free. Another web graphics designer custom-crafts every image. Each method is used to create the most efficient web design team.

Free Images

Warning: Not all images on the internet are free. Take care when you search. Many photographers and artists share their images freely with the public. Some offer unlimited usage, while others ask for nothing. Some simply ask for a link. Make sure you are familiar with the copyright notice on shared “so called” website graphics. Respect the rights granted to artists.

Customized Website Images

Even though web designers have the ability to modify existing images, custom graphics can only be created by talented Internet artists. The ability to design beautiful, efficient, and effective designer graphics is not something that everyone has.

Digital Photography Vs Print Photography – Which Is Better?

It is common to hear that digital photography is better than print photography. Digital photography (i.e. Digital photography is considered a completely new concept than traditional print photography. However, the former is an excellent complement to it. It’s like the evolution of music cassettes and digital media players. While traditional photography offers its benefits and features, digital photography comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.


Photographic printing refers to the analog photography technique. Simply put, it means that SLR cameras are used to take photographs. These cameras use film to take photographs. Later, the analog prints are made using chemical processes. They are also cheaper than digital cameras of the same quality. However, film rolls are more costly.

Digital cameras can cover a larger area with analog cameras, but have greater film capacity.

One drawback to an analog camera is the fact that you need to familiarize yourself with the settings before you can use it. The effects of the images must be monitored during the development phase.

The other advantage of this style of photography is its ability to capture great images. The high quality of the images. It is simply unparalleled. The chemical reaction that takes place when light falls from the shutter causes the photos to be sharp and clear. This process is used to create inverted and exact images.

Digital Photography

Digital photography is no different to traditional print photography in every other way. The only difference is that a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) replaces traditional film. CCD is small grids containing many thousands of photosensitive element.

When a photograph clicks, it contacts these elements with a beam of light. They then detect a specific amount of light and register it as an electrical charge. Once these charges have been transferred to an digital-to-analog converter, they are converted into digital data. The registered value is used to calculate and make a well-balanced guess by the camera’s software. This results in a decrease in the quality of the images and an increase in detail.

Digital photography is simple to set up and requires no film exposure. The digital images you capture are stored on rewritable memories cards. You can also view the images at any time. You decide whether you want to keep the image or remove it. You can do all of this in no time.


Digital photography is the best option for beginners. It is simple to do and you can fix your mistakes in a matter of minutes. Photography is a challenging profession. You need to practice it and improve your skills. It encourages your creativity.

If you are new to the world of print photography, you should have the knowledge and experience necessary to get started.

Digital photography has undergone a significant evolution over the past few years. It is convenient and allows for high quality photos.

However, analog photography needs ISO speed to be loaded. Some photo editing software is necessary for any type or editing.

Digital photography is certain to replace analog photography. The majority of people are shifting to digital cameras. You can choose which of the two options is better.

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